Planting soybean in existing plot question.


Ten Pointer
So I have some existing winter plots (annual mix) that are starting to weed up. Weeds are reaching 12" and I was hoping to plant soybeans before mid-late May. Here are a few options and I was wondering what you guys think is best (feel free to add)

#1 - Spray roundup, drill soybeans two weeks or so later

#2 - Mow, roundup, drill soybeans two weeks or so later

#3 - Roundup, wait week, Disk/till, broadcast, cover

#4 - Disk/till, broadcast, cover

time, money and effort are always an issue



Eric Revo

Old Mossy Horns
if the weeds are 12 inches or taller and starting to get woody, mow, spray then wait a week or more and drill or disc and cover.
Remember there are many varieties of weeds that haven't come up yet, as it's still early and the ground hasn't warmed up may wait until a bit later to plant beans.


Old Mossy Horns
I have seen farmers around here spray a field full of weeds 2+ feet high and then come back in 2 weeks and drill soybeans in the dead weed residue.


Twelve Pointer
Spray, then wait a week and drill. Could wait 2 weeks, or could do it the same day you spray. Doesn't really matter.


Twelve Pointer
I'll tell you what really helps and many plot planters don't do it and that is to inoculate your bean or pea seed before you plant it. Makes a world of difference.
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Ten Pointer
I will do #3 personally. Sprayed the Roundup yesterday with the idea of planting soybeans & cowpeas in late May, early June. I plant with a 2 row planter & will cultivate to keep weeds down.
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